Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Devil fish

Monday, I took a break. My arches have been killing me since Sunday and I think I needed to rest. One of my best friends, Kyla, met me after work so we could celebrate her birthday and her upcoming trip to Africa. I was mindful of my choices and even saw a pound fall of the scale on Tuesday.

Tuesday, Valerie and I were totally fierce:
20 minutes running on the elliptical
20 minutes of circuits:
planks alternating w/weighted lunges x 24
70# lat pulls followed by 140# leg presses x30
10# dumb bell chest flies and presses
20 minutes on the treadmill - incline training

Oikos plain yogurt
salad w/tomato and salsa
valerie's chicken lentil soup
granola bar

Today I ate some goldfish crackers...they are a favorite of mine and I usually wouldn't even torture myself w/the wheat/gluten they have but it was only a few and I actually feel okay. I haven't indulged in much in the last 3 months and I haven't had any goldfish in that time. Mark Sisson & Robb Wolf say it's okay to have something fun once in a while and today was that day for me. I just know it's a once in a while thing, not every day thing. I love goldfish, but they are the devil! So good but so bad!

Anyway, have a great paleo day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being Fierce w/Valerie - Sunday edition!

Valerie came over today so we could workout. We did a fantastic workout w/good weight and cardio combinations. We both we have goals to hit and we are not letting the weekend get in our way!

Circuit training for 5 rounds:
 80lb deadlifts x 5
ring rows x 5

50 lb Bench press x 4
walking lunges x 4

16 minutes on the elliptical (alternating at 10 minutes and 6 minutes  while the other person does floor exercises listed below)
100 situps
arnolds x 10lb dumb bells
overhead dips 10lb dumb bells
kick backs 10lb dumb bells

We are totally fierce! Rawr!

I also did 50 minutes on the elliptical while watching True Blood.

Oikos plain yogurt
romaine salad w/avocado/tomato/salsa
spaghetti squash w/paleo red sauce (homemade)
2tbsp PB
celery sticks - 3
cantaloupe - 1 slice

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fright Night Friday!

Tonight I watched Daybreakers while on my elliptical - it was pretty good except for the end.
Then I watched The Crazies, also pretty good.

My workout:

90 minutes on the elliptical
100 situps
30 pushups

Salad w/ff turkey, tomato, salsa, mushrooms
Greek yogurt
cottage cheese
Greek yogurt
2 egg whites
Almond butter w/flaxseed
Tea w/honey

I think that's enough for one day.

I'm off to bed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Working out like a freak

I am working out like a freak because I want results and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to reach my goals. I am hyper focused and driven right now and I'm capitalizing on that drive. 

Today's workout w/Valerie:

35 minutes incline training on the treadmill
130# x 30 leg press - together
130# x 24 leg press - single leg
70# x 24 lat pull
Ab killers x 30
walking lunges
alternate leg raises

Workout when I got home:

60 minutes on the elliptical, high resistance
40 side leg lifts each leg
40 inner thigh leg raises
30 pushups
20 ring rows
100 situps

greek yogurt
salad w/ff turkey, mushrooms, salsa
1tbsp PB
tea w/honey


Last night I worked out w/Valerie:

20 minutes on the treadmill
130# x 30 leg press - together
130# x 24 leg press - single leg
70# x 24 lat pull
15# dumb bells x 30 floor flies
15# dumb bells x 30 floor chest press
15# overhead dips/stretches
Ab killers x 30

And when I got home I did another workout:

65 minutes on the elliptical

Greek yogurt
salad w/mushrooms/ff turkey and salsa

This morning when I woke up, I was down 5 lbs from yesterday! FIVE POUNDS!
I am very cautious at being too celebratory, since I've been struggling to get that damn scale to budge and now it's really moving south. Perhaps it's like the doctor said, i just had to be patient. I am working my ass off and being hardcore, so it's about bloody time! We'll see if this voodoo weight loss continues over the weekend. It's very exciting to see progress for all the hard work I'm putting in.

It's just further proof that I'm doing all the right things and my paleo lifestyle really works.

have a great paleo day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pushing forward

Yesterday, I walked 1.6 miles around downtown and I worked out 65 minutes on the elliptical, high resistance, pushing hard. And today, the scale moved by 2lbs. I am cautiously optimistic....let's see if it keeps going south and I maintain it.
I am going to drive myself even harder and see what i can accomplish. working out 2x a day is a good start. I think i might even throw in something more - maybe jogging w/Reese or more weight training in the garage. I need to push hard right now and make my benchmarks, no matter what it takes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poked and Prodded

Today I had to get my tires kicked, rotated and all my internal systems checked. in other words, the doctor put me through my paces to make sure my medicine isn't destroying me from the inside out and to monitor my heart. We had a good long conversation about my fitness, nutrition and I showed her my food/exercise journal. (this also includes when I have internal pain, where, how long, etc).
She was really impressed at what I'm doing, the paleo lifestyle and my commitment to it coupled w/my rigorous workouts. She didnt poo-poo paleo like the other doctor did either. She said she wished more of her patients had the same kind of commitment. She pulled all my records from my cardiologist & internist in Honolulu and wants to replicate the tests I had this coming fall if I keep having episodes like I did yesterday and today. Hopefully it wont come to that. I'm hoping with my workouts, I can combat these episodes and forgo any extensive testing again. I want to be in tiptop shape in the next several months and hit my benchmarks. I asked her why I might be plateauing/stalling on my weight loss, she said that it's probably just taking more time than I'd like and to hang in there, keep on going and hopefully I'll starting seeing the weight come off and not just inches. Although, she told me i should be happy about the inches coming off because that's super important and shows that I'm gaining muscle and doing everything the right way.

She said the other doctor in Seattle did not send my labs as requested so she's going to look at those when they come in and run some other tests in the meantime.

I worked out 2x yesterday:

45 minutes elliptical A.M.
35 minutes incline training P.M.
130# leg presses - x 30 (together)
130# leg presses x 16 single leg
70# lat pulls x 24
Ab killers x 30
side ab killers x 30
walking lunges
10# flies
15# overhead dips
10# kickbacks
10# presses (floor)
leg swings

I skipped this morning's workout. I took a Lunesta last night since I was so tired and not sleeping well the last week and was just too tired to get on the machine. I'm going to workout w/Valerie tonight though and make up for it.

Today's nutrition:
Tuscan canteloupe
Oikos greek yogurt
Salad - turkey, romaine, tomato, salsa

that's about it for now. Have a great evening!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Holding pattern

So, the scale hasnt moved much in the last 2 weeks, and that is completely frustrating. Especially given my intense workout schedule. I've been working out every day for at least an hour, during the week I worked out 2x nearly every day. I fit into smaller jeans over the weekend, but seriously, what gives with the scale?? It's ridiculous. I want to chuck that thing across the room. I am going to go to the doctor this week or next to find out if there's something else going on. It's just too frustrating and every day when I step on that scale to see absolutely NO change, it's completely defeating. It certainly doesnt encourage me, but I can't give up either. I just keep plugging ahead. I need to break through this plateau somehow.
Oh well, at least I have more energy. I'm up every day at least by 5am, make coffee, do chores, workout for an hour and I'm on my way. Then I workout after work too because I have the energy to do so.

Well, hopefully I'll have better news to report later this week on the weightloss situation.

Thanks and have a primal day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Being Fierce w/Valerie

Valerie and I hit the gym again after work.I already worked out in the morning but I like getting 2 workouts in, it feels like I'm really making progress. We are driving each other each day and making sure we stay on track.

Today's workout:

AM workout: 30 minutes high resistance on the elliptical / PM workout: 35 minutes incline training, 170 lb leg presses x 25, 60 lb lat pulls x 20, ab killers x 30, 15lb dumb bell floor flys and over head drops and presses.

Oikos yogurt
Romaine salad w/chicken breast, cherry tomatoes, and renfroe's green salsa
carrots w/yogurt dip

I am super tired today, I am hoping to get some good sleep tonight.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A little crazy

Today I worked out 3 times!
This is my workout today: A.M Workout - 50 minutes on the elliptical / PM workout w/Val - 35 minutes incline training, ab killers, planks and stretches. Weights w/Trav - 110lb dead lifts x 25, 65lb bench press x 20 and 25 ring rows. 

chicken breast w/romaine and one tomato
1/3 chicken breast for dinner w/chard sauteed w/garlic and bacon
1 glass of wine w/dinner

I feel amazing right now. I'm a little tired but I still feel amazing. 
What a great day!

Two times the fun

I've been getting up super early....between 0330 and 0500. So there's no reason to not start my workouts even earlier. By the evening I feel like I still have time to double my efforts and I've been tossing in another workout to help further my goals. 

Yesterday I worked out twice. Ran on the elliptical in the morning for 20 minutes, not very long but I was crunched for time. Sunday I worked out for nearly 2.5 hrs so I'm not feeling too bad about Monday morning. After work monday night, Valerie and I hit the gym again. this time I did 25 minutes on the elliptical, leg presses at 170 lbs, lat pulls at 60 lbs and 3 point swinging ab killers.

This morning I ran for 50 minutes on the elliptical and will hit the gym again w/Valerie, after work.
I think tonight I'll do incline training w/some weights. Travis wants to do some weight training when I come home so I'll have to go a little light at the gym. I havent lifted anything really heavy in a while so I don't want to kill myself.

Well I better go hop in the shower and head out to work.

Have a great primal day!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


So, yesterday I ate some regular pizza and today I paid for it dearly. I was so horrendously ill that I have sworn off of bread for good. The reaction I had was so severe, it was enough to make me steer clear for a very long time. I cant believe how sick I became. I have been without bread, gluten, grains now for several months and my body has been healthier and happier for it. This just reaffirms for me why I'm on this path and how paleo really is the right thing for me.
Not to mention getting into skinnier jeans. THAT was a wonderful affirmation.
Progress is fantastic.

That's all for now. Have a great paleo day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Paleo camping

I went camping this weekend. My first time going tent camping. It was fun but sleeping on the ground sucks. Sorry, but even w/the little sleeping pad, it sucked. Next time I'm bringing an air mattress.
I worked out for an hour on Friday morning, and then worked out on on Sunday evening when I got home, so I only missed one day. I didnt drink enough water while i was out there, so I was up a few pounds when I got home. I worked out 2x today and drank a ton of water. So I'm hoping I've recovered my weightloss and I can keep moving on to my next benchmark.
I went and bought all my staples for the week so I can stay on track. This is really working for me. I had some gluten over the weekend and it really made me feel horrible on Sunday. I was so incredibly ill. It's not worth the horrible gut wrenching pain I have to endure. I am much happier and healthier on the paleo plan.
I am looking so forward to my trip home. I cannot wait to see my friend bobby. I haven't seen him in 16 yrs and every day I think about seeing him I grow more excited. I adored, respected and admired him. He was my protector, my teacher and most of all one of the best friends I've ever had. I have 7 weeks until I see him. I can't wait. I hope I'm hitting all of my benchmarks until then. I'd really like to be in the best shape when we see each other again. No, I'm not 21 anymore but I'd like to look as close to what he remembers as possible.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Well, the mold is pretty extensive and the contractors are at the house now preparing to remove the ruined carpet, cut off 2 feet from all the walls and then set up industrial driers to dry it out. This will take 3-5 days. then the reconstruction begins. what a mess.

The elliptical is upstairs now and I only missed one workout this week, which was on Monday. I've been charging ahead each day at 0530/0600 and working out for an hour every day. I'm starting to really see the changes now. Travis is a little put off by this because he's eating dinner alone but I cannot be derailed by him or anyone else. Once I hit my goal I'll ease up a bit but right now, I'm on track and I cannot be swayed. I have to stay focused. I have to hit my benchmarks. I feel like a switch has finally been turned on inside me....I have my drive back. And it feels great.

Got a great newsletter from Robb Wolf w/some fantastic tips for staying on track. I already do so many of these things because I read his book. Great content. But it's always good to be reminded.

  • Map it out.  Plan your meals for the entire week.
  • Get cooking!  Choose one afternoon per week and prepare your food for the coming week.
  • Grill additional meat.
  • Fire up the crock pot.
  • Make large batches of recipes so you have leftovers.
  • Boil a dozen eggs.
  • Wash and chop fresh vegetables for easy snacks and prep during the busy week.
  • Pack your lunch the night before so it’s ready to go in the morning.
  • Have some ‘fall back’ convenient options on hand for times when things don’t go as planned.
  • Bags of pre-washed salad greens and other vegetables
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Yams (easily cooked in the microwave!)
  • Canned wild caught tuna and salmon (packed in water)
  • Frozen pre-cooked wild caught shrimp
  • Eggs
  • Your favorite staples
  • Have two or three ‘go-to’ meals, using ingredients you ALWAYS have on hand, posted on your refrigerator.  Now when you get home and feel tempted to order a pizza or Chinese take-out you have a couple quick options staring you in the face!

Gotta get back to work...

Have a great primal day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My basement is starting to dry out, much to my relief. This is my first homeowner experience w/a mini disaster. I was unable to workout yesterday due to the mess, but pushing out water w/the push broom for an hour and shop vaccinig for an hour and then cleaning my house top to bottom, i'm hoping that was enough to at least make up for some of my time. I did some push ups while watching a movie too.

I am starting to see a change in my appearance. And my energy levels are up too. I find myself running at a higher level and being more engaged the way I used to be. I sit up straighter, I move more, I am feeling more like myself again. Even though I have a cold right now, I still feel compelled to drive myself hard. I want it that much. I am so driven for success and I cannot stop for something like a silly cold.

Today I'm going to attempt to workout after putting the basement back together. Hopefully it'll be dried out and we wont need contractors to fix any mold or damage.

Well, that's all for now.

Have a great primal day!

Monday, August 1, 2011


 Every morning I begin my day by heading to the basement to workout. Little did I know what was in store for me today. We woke up today to find our basement flooded. A capped pipe broke overnight and leaked all over the basement. We had 3 inches of standing water in some places. We have a completely finished basement so this is particularly bad. My elliptical is down there, our media room/mancave area, washer/dryer....I am praying that nothing is damaged and that nearly everything except for a few books and paper items can be salvaged.

It could've been so much worse, I am very thankful that it was clean water and not sewage or rain water. Also , home depot is open at 6am so we went and got a shop vac and I was able to push broom a lot of water out the door.

I am glad I got my hour on the elliptical in last night before bed. I am hoping we'll have it under control by tonight so I can get in my workout that I missed this morning. The broom was quite an unconventional workout but I need my regular workout too.

Oh, and I woke up with a cold, sore throat, sniffles and feeling pretty rough. 

Have a great primal day!