Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A.M. workout

Got up at 5:30, made coffee, unloaded dishwasher and hit the machine hard.
I bought the 3rd season of Sons of Anarchy last night, so that helped me pass the time this morning.
Did 30 minutes at high intensity. I'm going to do all my weights this afternoon and then follow up w/more cardio on the machine this evening.

That's about it.

Have a great paleo day!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cooling off

I forgot to log my workouts this week on Wednesday. I skipped working out on Thursday and Friday, which I seriously regretted on Saturday. I hopped back on the train Saturday and did 60 minutes on the elliptical and lots of floor/dumb bells.
overhead dips
side arm raises
ab killers

Now I'm going out to the garage to lift heavy things again. I only have 5 days, including today to workout before I go on my trip back east. When I'm home I'll only be able to go running and do floor work, so i need to make the most out of this week so I don't feel like I'm falling behind.
I went back down to 1 workout a day after valerie left but I'm amping it up again over the next 5 days.

The weather is cooling off considerably, so I'm breaking out my cold weather workout gear today. I have no idea what the forecast is for PA next week, but i'm hoping it's cooler than it's been. I love PA in the fall, but when it's humid, yuck. That will not be fun for jogging while I'm home.
Anyway, i have to go workout . Have a great paleo day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hurry Back

I think my deadlift on Sunday strained my back a bit. I was really sore yesterday and still this morning. Bending over is a bit tough. I need my back to hurry up and heal so I can get back to weight training. I'm going to do some rings tonight and bench presses but will avoid deadlifts for a while.

I did ab killers last night and 50 minutes high intensity on the elliptical.

That's about all for now.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Solitary Sunday fierceness


5 rounds of each:

125lb deadlifts x 5
ring rows x 5

65 lb Bench press x 5
walking lunges x 5

40 minutes on the elliptical

ab killers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Keeping on track

30 minutes on the elliptical in the A.M.
40 minutes on the elliptical and treadmill
140# leg presses - together x36
140# let presses - single leg x36
140# calf raises x 36
70# inner thigh x24
150# outer thigh/hip x30
80# lat pull x 30
15# dumb bell fly x 30
ab killer x 30
crunches 40
overhead dips
overhead prones dip stretch


30 minutes on the elliptical - high resistance/very fast
170 # leg presses - together x36
170# let presses - single leg x36
170# calf raises x 36
70# inner thigh x24
150# outer thigh/hip x40
80# lat pull x 30
15# dumb bell fly x 30
ab killer x 30
crunches 40
overhead dips

I took it easy over the weekend and hit a new weightloss goal. Fabulous!
I hit the gym again hard on Monday and Valerie and I are really forcing ourselves to push really hard this week and break through some goals. It's going well. I am feeling so strong.

Friday, September 9, 2011

So tired

I was so tired yesterday. A bout of insomnia kept me up late and woke me up early.

Valerie had a client commitment after work, so we didnt get to the gym together.
I got on the elliptical for 30 minutes last night, but I was absolutely exhausted.
I am glad I did it but it took everything i had to get up there.

Still tired today, but I'm going to hit it much harder today. It's probably due to shark week, maybe I should take a vitamin.

Valerie is coming over after work today for a slumber party. We're going to the movies and then tomorrow we'll workout early before my massage at 9am.

That's all I have for now. Have a great primal day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Workout update

30 minutes on the machine
140# leg press x 30 - together
140# leg press x 24 single legs
140# calve raises

80# lat pulls x28
ab killers
over head dips

40 minutes on the elliptical in the morning
20 minutes incline training
10 minutes cross trainer

140# leg press x 30 - together
140# leg press x 24 single legs
140# calve raises
70# prone shoulder press x15
ab killers
15# dumb bell flies / presses/ overhead dips
side bends w/side leg raises x 30 each side

Extreme commitment = Extreme Results

 I have decided today to take a few extreme measures to hit my goals in October. I do not sanction these measures for anyone else. These are done at my own risk. So my message is, don't try this at home kids.

I've already given up several things in order to hit my marks and it's been good for me. I have enjoyed the paleo lifestyle immensely and it works for me. Becoming paleo I gave up most dairy, sugar, grains, and legumes/beans. I primarily eat lean protein, veggies and fruit and nuts. I do not feel limited or deprived, in fact there are so many options, my diet is never boring, and I feel more sated than I have previously. However I'm taking a few additional measures to increase my level of success. I am going to give up meat, alcohol and any high carb fruit or veggie. This is not long term, just for the next 4 weeks.
My daily nutrition will contain the following:

coffee w/sugarfree creamer
plain greek FF yogurt
romaine lettuce w/celery and renfroe's salsa
a granny smith apple
4 egg whites for dinner
ginger tea / Yogi tea / Numi tea

It seems extreme because it is. I have benchmarks I want to hit and I need to do something serious to get the results I want. This is similar to what I did in Korea when I got in the best shape of my life. I need the right combination of protein and greens while also creating that steep deficit to get things moving at a pace where i see results quickly. I'm not doing this because it's easy, I know it's going to be really effing hard, but it will be worth it when I look in the mirror and see the muscles, tone and weightloss I've been working so hard to attain.

I am also changing my workout plan to include:

0500: Shred or RIT
0530: 45 minutes on the elliptical
1715:  hit the gym w/Valerie.
1845: run w/Reese or elliptical

This is the game changer. It's all coming into sharp focus.
Discipline, dedication, strength and a drive to succeed above all else. I am in it to win it. Nothing else matters at this point. My life will consist of working out, going to work, working out and sleeping. God help me! Fierceness!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Fierceness!

Today Valerie and I did the following set 5 times:

jump squats x 5
push ups x5
opposite arm to leg plank raises x5 each arm and leg
weighted step ups x5 each leg
walking lunges down the driveway (32 lunges each time)

The lunges are probably going to kill us tomorrow (80 each leg!)
But we are feeling so good about our progress. keeping each other honest during the week and on the weekend really makes a difference. I am so glad I have her to work out with.
Well, that's about it for now. I am going to go enjoy the rest of the sunshine.

Have a great Labor Day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

And the fierceness continues!

Valerie and I kept on being fierce on Friday. We skipped working out on Wednesday and Thursday due to being fatigued. But on Friday, we could stand it no longer, off to the gym we went!

 20 minutes incline training
130 # leg press - both legs x 30
130 # leg press - single legs x 24
70 # lat pull downs x 24
Ab killers x 30
planks x 90 seconds
side planks 30 seconds each side
standing side crunches w/leg raise x 30
15 # dumb bell flies x 30
15 # dumb bell presses x 30
romanian side to side ab killers
25 minutes on elliptical high resistance

Saturday: travis and I went clamming and spent the day outside


 80lb deadlifts x 5
ring rows x 5
balance board 45 seconds x 5

50 lb Bench press x 5
walking lunges x 5

10 minutes on the elliptical (alternating at 10 minutes while the other person does floor exercises listed below)
ab killers x 40
overhead floor dips
arnolds x 10lb dumb bells
overhead dips 10lb dumb bells
kick backs 10lb dumb bells
side arm raises 10# dumb bells

I will probably hop on the elliptical again tonight after the BBQ we're attending. True Blood is on tonight and I want to make sure I get another 60-90 minutes in before tomorrow.

Valerie is coming back in the morning so we can continue the fierceness.
We're not letting some silly holiday weekend get in our way of being fit and fierce!