Thursday, December 27, 2012

The world did not end

The prediction of the end of the world did not come to pass in 2012. While there were many changes in my life and though it felt like a bit of my world was indeed ending, I survived. So many changes and so much upheaval: my marriage fell apart, I moved out, lost friends during the separation, got divorced, my boss retired causing my position to end at my old job, I got in a car accident and hurt my back & neck. However, some amazing things also occurred during all of this change: I got a great new job, friends came out of the past to help support me during the divorce, I found my strength and independence again, I regained my confidence, found a great new place, met some new people, reclaimed my faith, my car was fixed quickly, and most of all I found my happiness agan and I met a great new partner in my life who has shown me that love doesn't have to have strings, conditions, chaos, cruelty, abuse and taught me to trust again. My life is hardly perfect, but it's so much healthier and happier than it was for the last few years. 

My next goal is to rededicate myself to my fitness and paleo lifestyle. I have tried to keep paleo but have slipped over the last few months. Rereading the Paleo Solution and Paleo Diet has really reawakened and inspired me to get back on the train and focus. I've maintained my weightloss over the last 6 months but would like to lose about 30 more pounds to reach my final goal weight. I'm aiming for my birthday to hit my goal. 

Nutritional goals:
Paleo lifestyle according to Robb Wolf/Dr. Cordain:
~ Lean protein
~ fruits and nonstarchy veggies
~ no grains
~ no cereals
~ no legumes
~ limited dairy
~ no processed foods

I credit my paleo lifestyle for bringing my cholesterol back into check. I was very happy when I got my test results back last month and I'd made huge strides in improving all my numbers. It was complete validation for all the hard work I've done. 

For Fitness: 

Elliptical or JM every morning before work
Running w/Reese
Total Gym
Floor work

I want to tone, sculpt and lose weight so that I am the fittest me I've ever been. I know if I focus and dedicate the time and energy necessary, I will hit all of my goals in the time allotted. 

I'll be posting my annual goals list around the new year, so please check back for that! 

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and please keep reading!

Have a great paleo day!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Love is amazing and heals so much. The pain I've endured the last 6 months has been tempered by the amazing love I've been shown from an unlikely source. I am forever grateful to have this in my life.
Love really is everything.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fatigued but staying Fierce!

I got a flu shot the other day and of course I feel awful now. It hasn't stopped me from working out though. As bad as I feel, I'd feel even worse if I missed too many workouts.
Thursday I did 44 minutes on the machine, 50 push ups, and 20 ab killer leg raises.
Today I ran with Reese, did 30 minutes on the machine, 30 push ups and 30 ab killers.
I haven't eaten much since I feel awful but I managed a bowl of chicken broth.

That's about it for today.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Change is good

All I can say is, the best laid plans...
Everything I thought I knew in my life seems to have been turned on it's ear. My marriage fell apart, my boss retired and my position was eliminated - ending on November 15th, I moved out of my beautiful house that I loved so much, away from my darling friends and neighbors that I also love so much, and lost some friends along the way who decided to pick sides. I now live in the South Sound, in a very pretty condo with Reese. No one has been to visit me yet, but I'm doing okay. Some really great things have happened recently and for that I am grateful and feel truly blessed. I got a job offer from the company I really wanted to work for and I'm super excited about that. My divorce will be final at the end of the month and that's also another chapter closing and a new one opening. So many changes, so many things happening at once. It's like I was tossed into the ocean and came out safely on the beach. It was a wild, scary ride but I feel like I'm going to be okay. I've been sticking paleo, with just a few slips. I have been making gluten bread with a friend's bread machine and really love being able to eat sandwiches again. I haven't been working out the way I should but I'm getting back on that train too. The dust is settling and my life is finally reaching a point where I feel secure again. This means I am going to recommit myself  to my health. For the next two months I am going to do the following:

1. Workout everyday without fail - run/elliptical/JM/Total Gym
2. Eliminate alcohol during the week!
3. Forgo cheese, again. This is so hard but it must be done.
4. Get enough sleep!
5. Stick to my paleo nutrition plan

It's a lot to commit to but I think the results will definitely be worth it. I know I can do it. I have a friend that's going to join me in this little adventure so together we should be able to support each other. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

I would like to be fitter, happier and healthier by the new year.

I hope to be posting more regularly.

Have a great primal day!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dying on the Inside

I am trying hard to find a new balance in my life. Some days are easier than others. As I've heard, some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant. I can definitely relate to this.
I know I'm a sensitive person and while I've been able to get better at hiding it, I still get my feelings hurt when someone I care for dismisses me out of hand so easily. It may not be apparent on the outside, but I'm usually dying on the inside. It kills me when I think someone is mad or upset with me. I sometimes wish that I could be one of those people that doesn't give a fig about the opinions of others (or their feelings) but I'm not. I care about other people deeply and will bend over backwards to make them happy, even at my peril or detriment. I can't help it, it's who I am. So when someone hurts me, it's such a hard thing for me.
Why do I let people get so close to me? Because I believe in their goodness. Stupid girl.
Right now I feel such melancholy inside my soul and I am just struggling to get over the pain.
I just keep breathing and hope that one day it doesnt feel like I have a sucking chest wound.

I'm heading out for a run tonight w/the little man, that'll make me feel better. No plans for paleo dinner as my appetite seems to have gone on vacation.

Have a safe holiday weekend.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm back

Hello fellow primal friends. I've been gone for a while due to some personal upheaval, but I'm back. Due to the stress in my life, I've lost about 15lbs, which I don't mind at all. I haven't been able to exercise much, but I've stayed on the paleo track pretty well. It's actually been easier. I've even succeeded in bringing another friend into the fold, mostly. He read up on it and found that it IS a healthier lifestyle. He posted the following article that Men's Journal recently published detailing how a gluten free diet can be better for athletes:
I love when new people come on board to this style of living. Once they're on it for a while and see the benefits of it and how bad they feel when they try to go back, it's amazing how the lightbulb goes on for them. I couldn't believe how much better I felt when I first started eliminating grains from my diet. Not just the weightloss but the digestive issues that I had completely went away. I didn't suffer from feeling sluggish, bloated from wheat, writhing in pain from the inability to process something my body clearly didn't like and wondering why I was so fatigued. I never have problems anymore. I feel like my body is running more efficiently and cleaner. It's such a revelation, that eliminating something that the government tells us is an "essential" part of a healthy diet could make me feel SO much better. Makes you wonder huh?

I am finally getting back into a routine and running w/Reese. The upheaval in our life caused us to go off course for a while but we're slowly regaining traction and finding a new normal. My total gym is unfortunately buried in the spare room and wont be functional again until I can get everything unpacked, but that should be really soon. I'm tackling that room this weekend and want to get a good circuit in before Sunday night. I've also started doing Jillian again since it's so quick and I can fit it in pretty easily. Running, floor work and JM are great while the weather is nice. I'm not looking forward to being stuck in the house on my elliptical when the weather turns, but at least I have that option to maintain my fitness. I'm expecting to see some great results though since I'm already watching the scale plummet south, woohoo! 

A friend of mine introduced me to a great little recipe that I really like for a quick snack. It's tomatoes, italian spices, sprinkled w/a little shredded cheese and some balsamic. It's really healthy and the perfect snack to take to work or pack in my bag on hikes or picnics. I'm calling it Midday Monkey Mix, since it's the perfect midday snack. 

I'll be posting more regularly, so I hope you'll tune in again. Please feel free to drop me any comments, questions or suggestions you may have. 

Have a great primal day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Running with Reese and being Rawr!

Reese and I went running on Sunday and he did really well. We ran again today at sunset and he did so great. Even when a little dog ran across the street unleashed, barking at him and snapping, Reese stood perfectly still, didnt bark and waited patiently while the owner caught it. I was so proud in that moment. Reese is an energetic and friendly boy and he behaved perfectly instead of jumping around wanting to play.
After our run tonight, I got on the elliptical for 43 minutes and then did some hand weights and ab work. I was super fierce! Rawr! And it's only Monday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Uncommonly Pleasant Side Effects

Since I started my new meds I've been horribly tired and I'm only 9 days into them. I worked out a little bit but I'm just exhausted. The upside is I have no appetite and I've lost almost 10lbs. Seriously. I stepped on the scale today and actually screamed! I am getting back on my machine tonight when I catch up on True Blood. All I have to do is keep on slimming and I'll be happy. What a great way to wake up!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Doubling Down

I went to the doctor on Friday and guess what, no chemo! No biopsy! Woohoo! 

Instead, the Dr took one look at me and said, well you're definitely worse than
3 weeks ago, so we have 3 options:
1. Chemo - which I don't want you to go back on ever, if we can avoid it
(I'd have to be on it for at least a year w/no definitive end point)

2. Continue on your Stelara (my current immuno-suppressor) and
see if it goes back into remission

3. Stelara coupled w/Neoral which is ANOTHER immmuno-suppressor
and that means we'll be doubling down on your immune system.
Neoral is used for transplant patients to prevent organ rejection and 
is a super immuno-suppressive. this form of treatment also boarders 
on experimental because it's rarely used. 

Normally they don't use 2 immuno-suppressive drugs together (especially these two)
because it's extremely dangerous and can be life threatening. And he'll have to watch
me like a hawk. I have to go in for blood work every two weeks because it causes severe
 damage to the liver/kidneys and raises blood pressure.And believe it or not I have normal
 to low blood ginger rage lurking in there! Being on both drugs is rare and means I'll have no immune system to speak of for some time. I will have to be really careful around anyone sick. 
SO, we decided to go w/option 3 because the benefits outweigh the risks at this point. Little did I know this drug is super hard to find. I spent forever trying to find it and dealing with some wildly inept people at the 3 different pharmacies. That DID raise my blood pressure and I think I may have been turning colors by the time I left. 
Also, no biopsy, since he took one look at me and knew it couldn't be anything else. 
And he skipped the EKG too, he just listened to my heart for a few minutes and said 
we'll postpone it for a few weeks until the drugs kick in. He actually said, your heart
 sounds happy, maybe the fluttering was caused by something exciting? hahahah! oh Dr.!!
I am very happy that he had an alternative for me and didnt make me go through anymore tests.
 He drew many vials of blood though..which i think he might be drinking it. 

I'm a little scared of the "doubling down" but I'd rather do this in the short term than have
 poison in my body for the long term. I'll just have to be careful and carry hand sanitizer
 everywhere. It's going to make me really tired and nauseated but it should taper off at
 some point. 

Dr.said something funny at the end...he said,I believe in fairness in life and I know this is
 hard right now, but you're going to get through this and only good things are going to
 happen for you after that, a lot of good things, like winning the lottery. Good things
are coming your way, I can feel it. You're my one percenter (rare case) but that also
 means your good fortune is going to be just as rare and incredible.

Talk about uncanny! I love my doctor, he's such a good guy and he really cares
about his patients.

It's even more important than ever for me to stick to my workouts so I can keep
my strength up. I'm still doing at least an hour a day, but I'm going to join the
 gym again w/desiree and workout twice a day. 

I had a really long discussion in the car too, and I've decided not to worry myself
with doubt and anxiety anymore and just have faith that things will get better.
Dr. L is right, there is fairness out there and good things are definitely coming my way.
I believe it and I feel it. Life is good. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pain is fear leaving the body

I've been a busy bee as of late. So many plans, projects, events, etc. Summer is barely upon us but I feel I'm already moving at a breakneck pace. Instead of the usual work on my elliptical, I've been engaged in other ways. I'm starting to run w/Reese and make him a good jogging companion. I also get out more because of the weather. So walking w/the dogs or exploring the Sound replaces some of my regular workouts. I am considering going to Crossfit w/Travis as I was approached by the owner and told not to let my fear keep me from greatness. Sounds familiar, right?
I am re-implementing my summer schedule:
0500: get up & workout
0600 : check mail/get ready for work
07:15: leave for work
1800: run / workout / weights / Jillian / Pilates

Nutritionally speaking I'm going to implement a mostly pescatarian approach again, having meat once a week and sticking w/fish or alternative protein sources - eggs, garden burgers, etc. This also means ditching dairy again as it's an inflammatory food. I don't eat a lot of it anyway, but yogurt is the only dairy I'm not willing to forgo. I already eliminated most inflammatory foods from my diet, so that shouldn't be an issue at all.
And as hard as it will be w/all the summer parties and events, the big caloric offender has to take a hike - alcohol. It's easy to miscalculate what you're consuming when having a cold adult beverage. To see the greatest result possible I am going to scale this back considerably and take a very limited approach. It will definitely be worth it when I see the payoff. Not to mention, if I end up on the medicine my doctor is threatening me with this week, alcohol is going to be a threat to my health. My skin condition has become much worse over this past month and I had a major flare, so I've been tanning as prescribed by my dermatologist. Unfortunately, the results are not what we had hoped and we're in a last resort status. Back onto methotrexate I must go. Methotrexate is a pill form of chemotherapy and has helped me before to combat this condition. Chemo is no fun, that is for sure, but it works. It really beats the hell out of your liver so you can't drink very much while you're on it. It also makes you feel like hell, flagging energy, hair loss and severe fatigue. Loads of fun. So, that's just another reason I need to get my routine back in full swing and raise my energy before it takes a massive hit from the medication. I figure taking a proactive approach now is  the only way I'll get through this with my sanity intact. They say that pain is fear leaving the body, well, then I shouldn't have an ounce of fear left in my by the looks of things. Between my workout schedule and medication, I'll be pushing through pain on a regular basis. 

Wish me luck and that this next round of training and medication works wonders!

have a great primal day

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Priorities and the Pursuit of Magic

I've been off the map a bit since April. Work has been super busy and then we went on vacation. We went to a family reunion at a real ranch in Arkansas. Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in Jasper, Arkansas. It was a lot more fun than I had hoped and I rode horse everyday, usually twice, went rock climbing, shooting and took a bunch of great photos. It was spectacular. And I only gained a pound! Travis gained 5 and was super upset about it. We're both recommitting to our workouts/eating plan now that we're back. Travis has been attending crossfit for a month or so now and really likes the accountability. I'm still working out on my elliptical and adding weights now and again when I have time. I do need to step it up though. He wants me to join his crossfit but I loathe working out with others. I am very klutzy and would most likely be a menace to those around me. However, I told him I will try one class. It's good to try things that scare us sometimes.

He joined Weight Watchers and I'm continuing w/Paleo and entering my food on Fat Secret and Fat Secret is much easier than Fitbit. I do like the accountability of tracking though. It's so eye opening to see what you're eating - carbs, calories, fat, protein, etc.

I also want to do more meal planning like I've seen on the Art of Fit and Emily Reynolds websites. 
Planning really is everything. Cooking ahead of time and planning out every aspect of what I'm taking to work/events is essential to my success. When I followed that process, I saw more results faster. I know that consistency is key and I'm lacking in that, but I hope to improve.
This summer I am going to be consistent, disciplined, focused and manage my time better.

I have to say this, my vacation changed me. Being out there in the middle of this huge 350 acre ranch, with no TV/Radio/Computer/Phone to distract me was wonderful. To completely relax and enjoy my life, was so different from the life I've become accustomed to. I want more of that and I need to find a way to create that in my life. I need to find my happiness and freedom from the confines of a very connected/noisy life. Being happy, fulfilled and having a sense of peace in my life is becoming a real priority, I just have to figure out how to do that and still make a good living. My friend Wendy Kranz is a life coach, something I long to become, and she recently sent me a great newsletter she sends out to clients, called Accidental Magic. I need to work that magic in my own life. It's so easy to get caught up in the minutiae of life and lose our way toward what's important. I know this is something I have allowed to happen in my life. Yes, allowed. We are all responsible for where we end up and I have to take accountability for that. I need to prioritize better, manage my time better and forge a path that will take me where I want to be. There's a life coach course that I'd like to take but it's $7000 and far out of reach for me at this point. Wendy got certified through the Martha Beck program and thinks it would be very useful for launching my practice. I just need to figure out how to get the funds and take the course. Perhaps this is where that accidental magic will come in.

Time to get crackin!

Have a great primal day!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

We now return to our regularly scheduled program

I've been super busy at work and didnt have time to write much, but i'm back now. Here's the update:

Travis is now on board w/paleo with me and that just makes life so much easier. Travis has been finding a lot of good recipes that are grain/dairy free that taste amazing.

I was in NYC for a week on business and it was really easy to keep to my paleo eating plan and working out didnt even happen due to all the walking we did. 
Now that I'm back home I jumped right back on the machine and did 103 minutes yesterday.
Travis has been going to the Crossfit gym (even though we have a crossfit gym in our garage), he says it keeps me more accountable having to attend class with other people.

Today we're going fishing, I'm teaching him how to fish! this should be fun and hopefully we'll have fish for dinner!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Suicidal Story - The Ginger Edition of It Gets Better

Another bullying suicide is in the news today. Every time I read a story on bullying it makes so angry I could spit nails. Parents argue back and forth, administrators close ranks and give the safest response possible because of the potential fallout – lawsuits, bad press, etc. But the truth of the matter is a child is dead because adults ALLOWED bad behavior to continue and escalate. Being popular or an athlete usually comes with special attention/privileges/favoritism by faculty – which is disgusting in my view. Allowing a popular student (s) to abuse someone else that’s shy, weak, unpopular, etc. is deplorable and could be compared to being an accessory. I’ve seen teachers who treat these kids like they’re peers/buddies, and give them special privileges because well, they’re the cool kids. Like they’re living some kind of second adolescence. It’s bizarre. The adults in these situations have an obligation to step in and correct the behavior, yet they don’t. No, they wait until some kid is dead and then rallies are held, candlelight vigils, grief counselors are paid for and statements of ignorance are offered to the press along with “heartfelt” condolences. Where was all this effort before the kid died?? Being proactive could save lives, but that would require being engaged and not allowing kids to bully each other.

Those of you that grew up with me (and stuck by me) know the story I’m about to tell, others may not and might be shocked at what I’m about to say as I don’t tell this story often and for a long time I didn’t tell anyone at all after I moved away from PA and everyone that knew about “the jump”. I was relentlessly bullied, for YEARS. Not just a little bit, but a lot. Physically, mentally, and daily. Older kids beating the crap out of me, throwing things at me, calling me vicious, cruel names, following me home, threatening me, spitting on/at me, and terrorizing me anyway they could. My mom had to get the police involved on more than one occasion but that usually only made it worse. The school didn’t do anything and they knew exactly what was going on. My parents went to the principle, assistant principal and the superintendent-they were told, it’s “kids being kids”. I went to my useless piece of space guidance counselor who told me I was blowing things out of proportion and I need to “toughen up” and that it was a “phase”. Black eyes, bruises, scratches, ripped clothes, oh yes, clearly it’s my imagination. School became a prison, a place of fear and torment. I was scared every day and slid into depression from my hopelessness over the situation. What was going to happen next? There seemed to be no escape and no one would help me. I felt there was nothing else I could do, no other way out. These abuses went on from 7th grade through 9th grade until I finally overdosed on my entire bottle of Phenobarbital and threw myself off my parents’ house in an attempt to finally end my suffering. I had OD’d on my phenobarb before but much to my dismay, I kept waking up. So that last time, I emptied my parents medicine cabinet of whatever I could find, along w/my phenobarb and then jumped off the house. Another suicidal failure, I lived. However, I was very broken this time – my ankle was completely shattered and had to be fused back together, my Achilles tendon was ripped in half, I had a major concussion, my fingers were broken on my right hand and they tell me I was so close to being paralyzed that only God knows why I’m not. I had to have 3 surgeries, 3 pins, 2 screws, 3 casts and 2 splints. I spent months in a wheel chair and on crutches and then years with a cane. I would never regain full range of motion in my ankle, running would take almost 10 yrs before I could do more than a few yards before falling or tripping. I would live with pain in my ankle every day for the rest of my life. But all that physical misery was nothing compared to what was going on inside me. I was still a scared, traumatized mess. And the school did nothing. Not a damn thing.

The best thing that came out of my jump, in the short term, was that people mostly left me alone after that. They were scared of me, they thought I was crazy, and maybe the crazy was contagious, so they stayed away from me. And I also had a cane – perhaps they were afraid I’d beat the living shit out of them, who knows, but they steered clear. Finally though, I had some peace from it because I no longer had to be around my tormentors, thanks to my mom.

My mother made the best decision for my future and put me in private school – the local Catholic school – and in the end, that decision saved my life. Lebanon Catholic knew what happened to me at the public school and made it their mission to prevent anything like that from happening at their school. I was given counseling, a peer group was set up for me to talk to, my teachers were kind, gave me attention or space when I needed it and helped me go from a shattered, shell of a person to someone healthier and happier by the time I graduated 3 years later. They didn’t allow bullying. It wasn’t tolerated. And this was back in 1989-1992. I felt safe there. I wasn't scared to go to school anymore. Funny how a private school 22 years ago could do the right thing, but schools today can’t seem to get it right. How many kids need to die before the adults take some responsibility and stop tolerating this bullshit?? How many Phoebe Princes, Tyler Clementis, Teddy Molinas have to die before people take a proactive approach?? This is happening in every city and state….the attitude that it can’t happen here needs to change. Adults need to get their heads out of the sand and stop denying that this occurs. If you’re an administrator or a parent of a bully, stop living in denial. Get your shit together and stop this cycle. Today I volunteer as a Suicide & Crisis Interventionist and it breaks my heart every time I read about someone that committed suicide. I remember how alone I felt, how trapped and isolated and hopeless. I just want to scream out - it will get better, there is help to be had! I’m not saying it was easy, it took me years to get better and feel normal and to understand that being happy was okay. There was no magic pill, no therapist that made me better, I had to find that on my own and eventually I did.

I want to say to all those that have been bullied, life after jr/sr high school gets so much better. It really does. If I could tell my 15 yr old self about my life today, I’d save myself so much pain. (And I’d probably tell her to take some martial arts classes too.) No one cares about high school except for those kids who felt popular/athletic/powerful etc. because that’s the best it’s ever going to be for many of them. Like Bruce Springsteen said, all they can talk about are the glory days. For the rest of us, the best is yet to come. College, travel, family life, friends, those things will mean more to you than those years spent dodging blows and cruelties from our bullies. You can move away, leave all of that behind and start a new life somewhere else. Reinvent yourself, become everything you always wanted to be. High school is such a short part of your life and it will not matter in long run. Grades yes, social status in high school? No.

My life is so much better today. I still live in pain every day and walk with a limp sometimes and I can’t run like before but I’m alive. It amazes that I survived the overdoses more than anything. That is truly miraculous. God saved me for some reason, maybe just so I could tell my story and save someone else, who knows, but I'm here today. And for that, I’m grateful because I have wonderful friends and family that love me for who I am and I have a house, a job, and life that I love. I laugh more now than I ever did and smile every day. I appreciate every day and tell my loved ones that I love them as much as possible. I want to live and can’t believe there was a time when I wished for death, welcomed it. My life is not perfect but it’s mine and I’m still standing. I’m still walking and every day above ground is a good day. I don’t often think about those people that caused me so much pain when I was young. You know why, because it doesn’t matter. They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. I survived them but they have to live with themselves every day and that’s punishment enough. To all you bullies out there, I pity you and life will eventually pay you back. I hope life treats you as kindly as you have treated all those you have bullied.

"It gets better" is not just a celebrity movement to bring awareness to suicide, it’s the life I’m living every day as a survivor of suicide. I made it and so can you. Please don't give up.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story,
The Ginger Ninja

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Paleo Easter dinner

We've had a lovely weekend again. Lots of fun in the yard, planting the crops in our garden - brussel sprouts, long beans, carrots & beets. It was lovely to be out in the sunshine with my husband and dogs. Travis built a fire in the fire pit and we sat under the stars with a glass of wine and enjoyed the evening.
Today we're going to play outside again, take the dogs for a walk, workout - weights & cardio - and then make a delicious paleo dinner. We're having rabbit w/rosemary and olives w/a nice red wine.
Have a fabulous paleo Easter everyone!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Workout weekend

We were so busy this weekend but I still managed to workout every day. I worked out in the morning on Friday and then we went out with friends to Loretta's and to dinner afterward. Saturday I cleaned the house like a mad person - mopped floors, did all the linens, tidied drawers and pretty deep clean all over. I worked out for 45 minutes plus ab killers. Then we went to see our friends perform at Vino Bello and a bunch of friends came out of that, which was followed by dinner with so many great people in attendance. Sunday was kind of a lazy day, travis went skiing, I worked out and watched some movies. Tonight Smash & the Voice are on so I'll be back on the machine while watching which should burn some serious calories!

I also learned a new recipe for leeks that I am going to try this week. We have tons of Kale in the garden that I wish I could find a good recipe for but damn, that stuff is hard to chew/eat. 

Our spring is off to a really fun start!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Dash!

We ran 4 miles in the St. Patrick's Day Dash early on Saturday morning amid the cold and rain. Erica and I did a great job finishing about 40-45 minutes and Travis finished in about 30. Nearly 20 minutes after the race it started to snow like you cannot believe! We could hardly see in front of the car!
It cleared up eventually and the inch that fell, melted away. We had celebratory ciders and lunch at Mick Kelly's Irish pub and listened to a great Irish band. Later we went to our neighbor's party and had a fabulous time. I really like running these races - Erica and I jog and walk them, but it's definitely a great way to change up my workout and of course is more paleo in that we run, then walk, then run some more. Love it!

I can't believe I ran two races in a week! Crazy!

Next, I'm going to take some yoga classes. I have a coupon from my race last week for a yoga special, 10 days for $10. No excuses now....except I don't want to work out in front of other people. I've got to overcome that fear. Here's to crossing more items off my 2012 to do list!

Have a great paleo day!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We had a great time at the Cove2Clover 5k on Sunday. Travis ran the race in about 30 minutes and Erica and I finished in about 40. It was a lot of fun and the weather was cold but held for nearly the entire race with just a bit of rain at the end.
We were so excited  after the race that we decided to sign up for the St. Patrick's Day dash this Saturday.

Unfortunately, Travis and I got food poisoning on Saturday and I've been seriously sick ever since. We thought the worst of it was over on Sunday before the race but Monday evening it boomeranged back around and we were both violently ill for the next two days. My entire body aches and this is probably the sickest I've been in years. And I can safely say that I wont be having Thai again anytime soon.

Tonight was the first time in 3 days that I could eat anything and keep it down. I'm going back to work tomorrow and hopefully I wont vom at work.

That's about it for now.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Fitbit & 5k!

Well hello Paleo friends!

It's been a wild February and I havent had much time to write. But fear not, I am still here and I have a lot to update you on.

I have been wearing my FitBit nearly every day and I really like the metrics that it provides. It has made me more cognizant of how much (or little) I move. I definitely try to beat my own stats and I like the online tracking format and dashboard. I haven't been as hardcore paleo as I was but I'm slowly reintegrating it back into my life. My nutrition and workouts definitely are better than they were a few months ago and I'm getting back to my formula for success that I implemented back in the summer and fall. I combine the elliptical, Total Gym, hand weights, nautilus weight machines and floor work and a few random DVDs to keep it fresh.
I signed my husband and myself up for a 5k this Sunday - the Cove2Clover. I'm really excited. I did Swamp Romp in 2009 at the Kaneohe Marine Corp Base and if I can survive 5.5 miles of that, I can do this. And I can take Reese too. It'll be good for him. If I can find a doggie pack he can wear to carry his own water, I'll try to outfit him this week.

The weather is getting nicer which helps elevate my mood and makes us want to play outside.

I have 2 trips coming up in the next 3 months and I want to look great for those. NYC in April and the Dude Ranch Trip in Arkansas in May. Should be fun. Just another motivator.

That's about it for now. Have a great Paleo day!

Friday, February 10, 2012


I got my Valentine's gift early! My dear sweet husband bought me the only thing I asked for, a FitBit Ultra.
Here's the link:

I'll be reporting on this product and how it impacts my success, my weight loss, my fitness level and my drive to be better. And now I'll have metrics to post reflecting on how I did each day. I'm pretty excited about this product. I've wanted one for a while now. It also measures your sleep.

I've been sick for a few days but I'll be on the machine tomorrow and taking a big puppy walk tomorrow.

Have a grea day.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Smashing good night

Last night I did 45 minutes on the machine while watching the Voice and I did floor work while watching Smash. Both shows were so good I barely noticed the time. I did ab killers and some yoga stretches.
I feel better today, more energetic, although the sunshine might have something to do with that too.
I brought my workout clothes to hit the gym w/Desiree after work. I really hope to see some improvement this week w/my renewed sense of focus and motivation.

Lunch is a green salad w/smoked turkey, peppers, carrots and salsa for dressing. Yum!

Biggest Loser is on tonight, I don't even know if I'll watch it because of how awful it's been. 

Have a great paleo day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Sunny Seattle Weekend!

This weekend was so much fun I can barely stand it. We went to a birthday party at the Triangle on Friday night.That's always an experience! Desiree and Alex came out to meet us there, which was really fun. I also met the XO of the Star, who it turns out, is really funny and from the same part of the country as me. We've got a similarly warped sense of humor too, which is rare, but I totally dig it. He asked me something so unexpected it caught me completely off guard (because it was coming from him of all people), but it was hysterical for that very reason. I expected him to be kind of stiff being the Commander and all but he totally wasnt and it was a great time talking to him, he wasn't scary at all. I can see us being fast friends, but I predict we're the kids that would've been separated in school. Which means, we'll definitely have to hang out again sometime! haha! Oh and he tapped me for that Ombudsman thing, we'll see how that pans out.  Saturday we played in the garden, I worked out and then we made the long trek to Arlington to watch UFC and eat delicious BBQ at our friend Denny's house. The fights were amazing and the company was fantastic. On Sunday we held a Super Bowl party at our house and we had a great time with our friends with some yummy snacks and more bbq. Travis made boudin that his dad sent us from Arkansas. Delicious! I spent 6+ hrs cleaning my house up and down and burned a lot of calories I'm sure. The weather has been spectacular all weekend and it just lifted our spirits and we were just so happy to have the sunshine. It was just a wonderful weekend. We had fun, played and ate well and enjoyed so much time with our friends. Perfect weekend.
I am back to doing the elliptical every day. And I'll be working out w/Desiree several times a week. I am getting back into my rhythm.  I feel really focused and happy. It's so weird, I feel like something amazing is on the horizon, something inside me just ignited. I don't know how to explain it. It must be the sunshine. Let's hear it for perfect, sunshine filled days w/friends and being fitness focused!

Have a great paleo day!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


The darkness of winter has been sucking my motivation like a little energy vampire. I have been slacking and doing my workouts sporadically. I've been very tired and feeling so exhausted and I have no idea why. I finally woke up today and felt better. Funny too, because today is the day I'm renewing my commitment to my workouts and fitness program. My friend at work, Desiree, has joined the gym in our building with me and is going to be fierce w/me after work several times a week. I feel like having a partner is very helpful to me and keeps me accountable. I was doing so well for about 5 months and then the holidays hit and my schedule got all wonky. I am now back on my path. I know it's going to take a few weeks to get my rhythm back but I'm focused and motivated.  I saw the scale creep up due to my slacking and I don't like it one bit. SO back to tracking my food and exercise in my journal and working my ass off every day. I am considering cutting back on meat, which goes against my paleo plan a bit but I just want to cut back, not entirely cut out. Well, it's time to go get fierce w/Desiree!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Biggest Whiner

This season of the Biggest Loser has really become a season of the biggest whiners.
It is so hard to like most of the contestants. They are so whiny, and threaten to quit/leave so much, it's boring me to tears. I love this show but it just doesnt feel like the show I got inspired by.
These people are wildly unhealthy and they're being given the opportunity of a lifetime and they're not maximizing their time on the ranch. It's disgusting. There are so many other people that wanted to be there and didn't get the chance because these whiners were chosen instead.

I did 50 minutes on the machine while watching. I may not tune in next week because it's not inspiring me, it's just not fun or entertaining anymore.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


The weather promised finally arrived. We had about a foot of snow fall early Wednesday morning through early Thursday morning. It was beautiful and fun to watch. We had a hummingbird drinking from the feeder in front of our picture window due to the snow. It was spectacular to witness, something so magical and associated w/warmer weather, drinking from our feeder during the snowfall. It took my breath away.
I worked from home on Wednesday and Thursday. I also did some unconventional workouts because of it. I shoveled snow on Tuesday and played w/the dogs, then I walked over to a friend's house which was a pretty good workout trudging through the snow. I did 49 minutes today on the machine while watching Revenge, that show always makes the time fly by. We made some great meals during that time too.
The weather today is great and we're thawing out. The sun is shining and the roads are clear. Hopefully tomorrow we can take the boys on another long walk to downtown.

Well that's all for now. Have a great paleo day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Biggest Loser is losing my interest

I really think that BL is losing it's edge. Every other season I'm cheering and pulling for each person on the ranch. This time, it's hard to like the people there and I find it not as compelling as before.
I still workout to it but it's just not as exciting to watch.
I did 30 minutes tonight, my ankle is killing me but I hopped on anyway.

I'm waiting for the big snow storm but im starting to think this is a big joke.

I hope it snows like the dickens!

Now, I'm off to watch one of my favorite actresses, Queen Latifah, in the Last Holiday.

Later peeps!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Three day weekend

Friday we celebrated my fierce friend Valerie's 30th birthday.
Saturday, Travis and I took a 4 mile walk with the dogs, it was great.
Sunday we hung out and relaxed all day which was wonderful. I had a Revenge marathon and now I'm hooked on that show. It's a modern day telling of the Count of Monte Cristo.
And finally Monday, I got on the machine for 80 minutes while catching up on Boardwalk Empire. I felt pretty great after I finished but my knee has been throbbing since Saturday,even w/Advil.
We're getting a lot of snowfall and I'm not sure if I'm going to make it in today and tomorrow. The weather report says we're getting at least 4-8 inches and many areas should receive 16 inches.
Travis has duty today, so I'm nervous to go to work since if I get stuck for a long time, my dogs will be alone without any relief. I am going to work from home if it gets much worse. It's not worth risking my life, damaging my car or stranding myself/my dogs just to get to the office.

Have a safe and warm Paleo day!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bad Ginger!

Soooo, I was totally off my game last week. I barely worked out and it totally showed on the scale. I got back on the train this week and the scale dropped, naturally. Last night was biggest loser night, so I spent an hour on my machine working out like a menace!

This week  was not that exciting and I wonder if the BL is losing it's edge.

I was at the gym on Monday night and there two men in there yelling at each other about sports and dropping weights  - on the Nautilus equipment - and being obnoxious. I wanted to slap them. If you want to go to a big boy gym there's a place for that, but you're in a small gym in an office building, not a body building weight/crossfit gym. And these guys were so completely out of shape and lifting inappropriately. It was so disruptive. I forgot my earbuds, so I was forced to listen to their endless noise and grunts. It was horrible. Never again!

This weekend is a 3 day for MLK. I'm really happy about that. I have some work to do so it'll be nice to catch up.

well, im off to bed my lovelies. And PLEASE, if you read my blog, please "follow" me and leave comments if you're so inclined. I love hearing from other people on a similar journey to mine.

Have a great paleo day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Biggest Loser Season Opener!

Tonight while watching the BL season opener I did 60 minutes on the machine. I felt so inspired.
I also did 30 push ups and 20 ab killers.
That show always makes me move my ass!

For those of you that may be considering a fitness/health plan and you're looking at sites like Weight Watchers, I'd like to recommend another site that's free and has several of the same features.
You can download the phone app and track on your phone and online w/very easy synching.
I love it and find it really easy to use and it's FREE. Love it!

Well I'm off to shower.
Have a great paleo night!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Renewal and Reinvention

A very smart man told me that reinvention is key to keep growing in your life. He said he tries to reinvent himself every 6 months. And a very smart woman once told me, When you're green you grow, when you're ripe you rot. She told me to stay green, continue to grow and always seek knowledge.

I definitely try to re-evaluate where I'm at in my life and where I'd like to be on a regular basis. I am trying to grow and stay green and not allow myself to become weak of mind. And of course with the start of a new year, everyone feels a sense of renewal and a chance to start over with a new set of ambitions. So, I am going to reflect on last year's accomplishments and how I can achieve more this year, improve myself and be a better person in 2012.

Below is a list of my goals and ambitions for 2012:

Live a more pure paleo lifestyle
Exercise every day
Achieve my fitness goals
Figure out what I really want to do with my life
Write an hour a day
Renew my passport
Visit Canada & play in the treehouse
Be more comfortable in my own skin
Volunteer more
Do more activities with my husband and my dogs
Try new things, even things that scare me
Write more letters
Follow through more
Go white water rafting
Go camping, again
Participate in a 5k
Create an incredible edible garden in the front and back yards
Get back to Hawaii
Be the best EA I can be and impress my boss
Put my laundry away instead of leaving it in the basket (this sounds simple enough but you have no idea how much I loathe putting away laundry)
Enjoy every day
Be a better friend
Read more
Learn to sew and finally use that sewing machine in my office!
Make a quilt
Take a yoga class
Fly my mom out to visit me 
Learn how to jar & pickle our crops
Become more organized
Live a lighter, simpler life
Pay off my debts
Save more money
Stop spending money on frivolous things & use what I have
Donate or sell items I'm not using
Become more aware of my surroundings
Love more and let go of negative energy
Remove toxic people from my life
Don't let myself get distracted by people that do not have my best interest at heart
Recognize fair weather friends before they derail me too far from my path
Don't allow myself to be manipulated by others
Be kinder in the face of all my challenges
Be more forgiving

And most of all, seek improvement in my life every day and strive to help others

It's a long list but I feel like it's a good start. It's not all inclusive and none of the items above are listed in any special order. It's good to have goals and to seek improvement.

Well, I hope you have also set forth some goals for yourself this year and that you achieve everything you set out to do.

Have a great primal day!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I watched Anne of Green Gables yesterday and did an hour on the machine while I watched. It was great to have that much fun on my machine while watching one of my most favorite movies from my childhood.

We had a really great day and enjoyed a lovely new year's eve together.

This month I will celebrate a year of living paleo. Even though it was on and off, it's been a year since I endeavored upon this journey and learned so much about myself, dieting, not dieting, living primal and finding what works for me. I am 20lbs lighter this year than last year and I am much happier in my life. I am still working on being fit, thinner and healthier and I hope to reach my goals this year in my own time on my own terms.

For those of you that have followed my journey so far, I thank you and hope you'll stick around to see what happens next.

Happy New Year everyone!