Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Running with Reese and being Rawr!

Reese and I went running on Sunday and he did really well. We ran again today at sunset and he did so great. Even when a little dog ran across the street unleashed, barking at him and snapping, Reese stood perfectly still, didnt bark and waited patiently while the owner caught it. I was so proud in that moment. Reese is an energetic and friendly boy and he behaved perfectly instead of jumping around wanting to play.
After our run tonight, I got on the elliptical for 43 minutes and then did some hand weights and ab work. I was super fierce! Rawr! And it's only Monday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Uncommonly Pleasant Side Effects

Since I started my new meds I've been horribly tired and I'm only 9 days into them. I worked out a little bit but I'm just exhausted. The upside is I have no appetite and I've lost almost 10lbs. Seriously. I stepped on the scale today and actually screamed! I am getting back on my machine tonight when I catch up on True Blood. All I have to do is keep on slimming and I'll be happy. What a great way to wake up!