Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sauteed Calamari in Lime and Garlic

Hello paleo friends! Sorry for the delay in posts, I am back.

Today, we're going to make a really simple recipe that cooks up fast and is really delicious and very healthy.

What you'll need:

Olive or avocado oil
1 cup lime juice
1 tbsp garlic - chopped
1- 1.5 pounds of calamari - cut up or 1 -2 packages of TJs Seafood blend (you can find this in their frozen section)
Crushed red pepper
Sea salt

In a deep pan  or dutch oven, saute the garlic in olive oil for about 2 minutes, be careful not to scorch the garlic. Add the lime juice, spices and the seafood last. Simmer covered for about 15 minutes. Stirring occasionally. I tend to simmer mine a little longer than that but you can decide how tender you want your calamari. Calamari is a funny protein. The lime juice helps the calamari from getting rubbery - as it often can when cooking. So if it feels a little rubbery, just let it saute for a few minutes more until it feels tender.

You can eat this the way it is or have it over greens. If you feel like going off the paleo plan, I also recommend having this over rice - it's absolutely fabulous this way and gives the rice a really rich flavor.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I do!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Je suis Charlie

This is an off topic post, but I had to say something about the tragedy today:
Today a horrific crime was committed against some journalists in France. I'm sure you've heard about it by now. As an aspiring writer, I cannot imagine being cut down by terrorists for simply writing. My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of the victims and the people of France. #jesuischarlie #charliehebdo

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Paleo Thai Larb

This is a quick, easy and inexpensive recipe. It's also perfect for work lunches.

What you'll need:

1 pound of organic ground beef
1 cup of lime juice
crushed red peppers
sea salt
cayenne pepper
cabbage slaw

Brown your beef in a saute pan and drain off any water/fat. Then add the lime juice, salt and seasonings to your heat/spice level and simmer for 15 minutes. Once it's flavored and tender enough to your liking, remove it from heat and plate over the cabbage slaw. I usually just grab a package of washed coleslaw from the produce section. This is just the plain coleslaw salad mix - not the creamy mix! Just the salad. The lime juice and beef will flavor the slaw mix perfect.

Larb sauteing in the pan

Thai larb salad - Yum!

It's super healthy and very quick.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Have a great paleo day!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! Fierce and Fabulous in 2015!!

It's a new year and a chance for a new you! That's the great thing about New Year's day, we get to reset ourselves and begin fresh. We have 365 days to do it right and change our lives for the better. A blank slate is set before us, it's up to each one of us to decide how we'll write the future. 

Today starts a Paleo challenge for myself and a group of friends. Whether the goal is 30-60-90 days, we're in it together. We're using the Whole 30 plan - as most of us have done this before and find it really useful and easy to follow. 

I hope you'll join us in our challenge and set yourself on the road to health and wellness in this new year. 

My goals this year are:

~ To get fitter and hit my goal weight of 135 (at 5'9", that's pretty lean and mean!)
~ To make fitness a part of my day, everyday - no excuses!
~ To find nutrition that inspires me that I can share with others
~ To create peace and happiness in every aspect of my life
~ To learn new things and try things that challenge me 

What does your list look like? How do you plan on getting there? 

Make a plan and get on board!!

Happy new year primal friends! Let's Stay fierce together! Rawr!!

~There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results~