Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday hurdles without the girdles!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and you're enjoying time w/family and friends.
With all the parties, dinners, happy hours, & get togethers, there's bound to be a slip up here and there from our paleo lifestyle. I have indulged a little bit but I've kept on track for the most part. Eating bread definitely made me feel sluggish and upset my digestion. Eating lean protein, greens and staying on my paleo path really wasnt all that hard at the parties we've attended. I also found time to get on my elliptical and Total Gym. Finding time for myself while my inlaws have been in town has not been easy but it's essential to have that little bit of solitude and physical focus.
I also love Robb Wolf's Paleo tip of the Week - the mind set of EEB. Enjoy Every Bite. Don't just sit there, in front of the TV or computer and shovel it in, be mindful of what you're putting in your body. Think about how much you're eating, how it tastes, and take a break in between. See if you're feeling sated. I usually try to drink some water and wait 5-10 minutes to see if I'm full. I hate that bloated, over-full feeling...it makes me feel awful.My mom used to ask us, are you bored, are you thirsty or are you really hungry? Often we're thirsty and not really hungry or we're just bored. This is how you end up gaining weight.

Don't forget to work in that exercise - if it means getting up early or staying up a little later, make sure you get that exercise in to help balance your stress, those high caloric meals, and keeping your routine intact. You'll be way ahead of the game on January 1st when everyone else is feeling sluggish and making new years weight loss resolutions.

Below is the full clip from his weekly email, which I highly recommend signing up for. Robb's book and website are really the easiest way to break in to Paleo living and he makes everything so easy to understand. Amy Kubal is a consulting contributor to his site and her EEB tip is perfect advice for avoiding holiday indulging.

Paleo RD Tip of the Week
By Amy Kubal, MS, RD

Combat stress eating with the EEB rule!

Stress – it’s a fact of life.  It can be good, bad, beneficial and/or detrimental all at the same time.  Regardless of what the stressor is the body’s logic is the same; take in as much food as possible and store it.  When ‘stressed’ we often don’t make the best food decisions – bring on the cookies, chips, donuts…  When the damage is done we feel worse than when we started and didn’t even taste, let alone enjoy, the less than nutritionally virtuous foods.
Since stress is a necessary evil, we need to find ways to tame the ‘food frenzy’ response it initiates.  This is where the EEB Rule can help.  EEB = Enjoy Every Bite.  Think back to the last time you went on a ‘stress binge’ – did you taste those candy bars?  How about the chips – did a handful turn into a bagful?  Instead of grabbing, chewing, swallowing and feeling guilty force yourself to STOP (yes, stop) doing everything else.  Sit down and BREATH, take a minute or two and look at the food you have chosen to help ‘calm you down’.  Is it what you really want?  If the answer is yes, fine – but replace saying or thinking “I should” or “I shouldn’t” with “I choose to.”  Take responsibility and own it.  Next, create an experience – not mindless shoveling.  Sit down - you and the food – nothing else.  Enforce the EEB Rule and truly Enjoy Every Bite.  Savor the texture, flavor, appearance, and smell.  NOTE: This applies to all foods – cheesecake or Cheeto’s – no exceptions.  Whether it’s bite number two or bite number 22, the second you stop enjoying and really tasting the food stop eating it.  It doesn’t have to be gone; there is no need to ‘clean your plate’.  And yes like mom said, there are people starving all over the world – but they don’t need Cheetos either.

Amy Kubal is a Registered "Paleo" Dietitian and the ring leader of Robb's RD consulting team. She works with a wide range of clients from competitive athletes to those dealing with complex health problems. Check out her bio and consulting options, and her blog Fuel As Rx to get your Paleo nutrition fix.

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