Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 9 and 6 pounds lighter

Okay, so I haven't had weightloss like this in years. Not this much, not this fast.
If wheat/grains are behind my inability over the last 3.5 yrs to lose any significant weight, well, I can tell you I'll never look back. I keep waking up and feeling pretty amazed at my reaction to altering my diet this way.
And it's just been so easy. I didnt expect that either. Even though I am seeing some pretty considerable weight loss, I am still proceeding with caution until I hit that 10 pound mark.

Last night we made organic spaghetti squash with paleo red sauce and meatballs. it was delicious!
I brought it to work for my lunch today too. That's another great thing about the paleo lifestyle, we cook so much and have our meals well thought out and planned for the week. It really sets me up for success and I don't feel so overwhelmed trying to find something appropriate and healthy to eat near my work.

Tonight is kung pao chicken. this recipe is very healthy from Cooking Light magazine and easily converted into paleo parameters.

Tonight is also Biggest Loser night, so I'll be working out pretty hard while watching the show.

That's about all for now.

Have a great primal day!

Monday, January 24, 2011

One Week and 5lbs lighter

I am one week into this and today, I am 5 pounds lighter than I was last monday. That's incredible.
I haven't found it too difficult to follow and I'm making healthy choices, planning my meals and not giving in to temptation.

On a sad note, my grandma passed away this weekend, so I didnt have much of an appetite on Sunday. My intake for Sunday consisted of:

a banana
some almonds
some small organic meatballs I made(about the size of a quarter)
a little red sauce (about 1/4 cup)

I just didn't want to eat. But I did heavy housework nearly all day. About 8 loads of laundry, up and down the stairs with heavy baskets, the vacuum, mops, brooms, etc. I went wild. Cleaning usually helps me work through my stress. I also took a soak in our spa to try to help alleviate all the aches and pains I had from the damp weather.

Well, that's all for now.
I am looking forward to my progress this week.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 5, and I'm down another pound

Well, I'm down one more pound on the morning of the 5th day of my paleo experiment. I am so surprised because i really didnt expect this to happen this soon. I'm still afraid to get really excited, because it could just be water.

I was very good last night at dinner. I absent-mindedly ordered a pint of porter and then realized I couldn't drink it. My husband said, one pint of grains is not going to kill you. I said, yes, but i've been so good all week and I'm not letting a glass of beer defeat all my progress. He happily drank it for me. :)

I am proud of myself for not falling into the mindset of, Oh, I'll have just one, it wont matter.
And when I woke up this morning, my stomach was flatter still. Removing grains and gluten from my diet has had an amazing impact on my the way i look and feel, in just a few short days. These kind of results really encourage me to keep going  primal.
I'm still tracking my food on WW, and I've noticed on the Paleo diet, I'm 8-10 points under my daily allotted points. I find this utterly amazing, considering I'm never hungry on the paleo plan.

I am doing Jillian Michaels DVDs and using my elliptical for exercise. I have her 30 day shred, her 6 week abs and last night I bought her Meltdown Yoga. My goal is to see a 10lb weight loss, loss in inches, and some muscle toning by the time we go on vacation on February 13th.

Well, I'm off to work. Have a great primal day!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3 of the Paleo life

So, i have gone without sugar, wheat products, grains and dairy for 3 days now.
I have to say,it's not as hard as I thought it would be. I have stuck with vegetables, lean protein, almonds (moderately), fruit (a banana each morning) and drinking only tea, coffee, and water.

I am not hungry and I'm not really feeling like I'm missing anything. I did have a dream about eating bread last night but I spit it out immediately and said, What am I doing?? I can't eat this!
Truly bizarre!

I do feel a little bit better. Not so tired in the morning. And it may only be water weight, but I lost 3 lbs this morning. I weighed myself on Monday - my first day of the paleo and my heart sank, I was up 2lbs from the weekend. Then, today, I'm down 3. I'll take it, but cautiously. I wont get real excited until i hit the 10 lb mark.

Well, that's all I have to report for now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ginger goes primal

My friend Courtney has had such a positive experience on the Paleo diet and she's been raving about how much healthier she feels. I decided to try it at her behest. So, I went and bought The Paleo Solution and The Paleo Diet yesterday, and plan to start going primal this weekend.

My goals for this lifestyle change are:
~ To become the fittest me I can be
~ To become healthier

~ To be accountable every week

~ To take control of my health
~ To hopefully see a significant improvement in my skin condition through the paleo diet

I hope you will join me for this journey. And maybe you will even be inspired to go primal too.