Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Sunny Seattle Weekend!

This weekend was so much fun I can barely stand it. We went to a birthday party at the Triangle on Friday night.That's always an experience! Desiree and Alex came out to meet us there, which was really fun. I also met the XO of the Star, who it turns out, is really funny and from the same part of the country as me. We've got a similarly warped sense of humor too, which is rare, but I totally dig it. He asked me something so unexpected it caught me completely off guard (because it was coming from him of all people), but it was hysterical for that very reason. I expected him to be kind of stiff being the Commander and all but he totally wasnt and it was a great time talking to him, he wasn't scary at all. I can see us being fast friends, but I predict we're the kids that would've been separated in school. Which means, we'll definitely have to hang out again sometime! haha! Oh and he tapped me for that Ombudsman thing, we'll see how that pans out.  Saturday we played in the garden, I worked out and then we made the long trek to Arlington to watch UFC and eat delicious BBQ at our friend Denny's house. The fights were amazing and the company was fantastic. On Sunday we held a Super Bowl party at our house and we had a great time with our friends with some yummy snacks and more bbq. Travis made boudin that his dad sent us from Arkansas. Delicious! I spent 6+ hrs cleaning my house up and down and burned a lot of calories I'm sure. The weather has been spectacular all weekend and it just lifted our spirits and we were just so happy to have the sunshine. It was just a wonderful weekend. We had fun, played and ate well and enjoyed so much time with our friends. Perfect weekend.
I am back to doing the elliptical every day. And I'll be working out w/Desiree several times a week. I am getting back into my rhythm.  I feel really focused and happy. It's so weird, I feel like something amazing is on the horizon, something inside me just ignited. I don't know how to explain it. It must be the sunshine. Let's hear it for perfect, sunshine filled days w/friends and being fitness focused!

Have a great paleo day!

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