Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall is Flying By!

That sound that you just heard? That was Autumn whizzing by! I feel like the weeks are just flying by and I'm not getting as far into my fitness plan as I'd hoped. Which is seriously bad considering my best friend talked me into a Half Marathon on December 1st. I really don't want to die because I'm not prepared enough. I did tell her she has to drag my body across the finish line so I can be posthumously awarded my medal. I've run other races - Swamp Romp in Kaneohe, the Cove to Clover and the St. Patrick's Day Dash. I'm pretty proud of those - especially Swamp Romp - it makes Warrior Dash look like a walk in the park. But, I've never done a Half Marathon and I fear I will die or be crippled from it.

Rededicating myself to Paleo can only help me in my preparation and I'm aiming to go at it hardcore.
I am allowing myself yogurt but I'm cutting out nearly all other dairy - I'm on the fence w/creamer. This means I'm taking the big plunge...NO CHEESE! GAH! I know, I know...it's madness but it's what I must do. And of course the other big caloric offender - wine/alcohol. I figure I'll indulge once a week on the weekend but sparingly. I don't want to derail my success.

I have Reese to keep me going on runs/walks and he's definitely a great cheerleader/motivator.

I need to find some more creative ways to have paleo lunches. Salad gets SO boring. I want to poke myself in the eye w/a carrot it's so boring. I recently discovered Quorn "burgers" but they're not easy on the digestive system so I'm not a big fan of them even though I think they taste amazing. I'll have to do some investigating into easy, nutritionally balanced, work friendly paleo lunches. I'll be sure to share it here.

My goal is to get up early - 4am- workout for an hour and then get ready for work so i can still catch the train. I can do my elliptical that early  and some floor work - if I'm really inspired maybe Total Gym or a Jillian DVD. When I come home at night I can decide to work out a second time or not. As it stands, I am so tired when I get home that I don't have much motivation to work out so perhaps the answer is to go back to working out super early, as much as THAT sucks.

That's about it for now.
Have a great paleo day!!

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