Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back from vacation

Sorry for the break, but my husband and I went on vacation. We went to New Olreans and had a great time, ate some incredible food and enjoyed delicious adult beverages. I did go off my paleo plan while on vacation but not by much. I ate things I wanted to eat, but not to excess. I had some bread, rice and sugar, but I did keep things in perspective. I didn't see vacation as some kind of hall pass where I could go buck wild. I made pretty good choices overall, and I didnt even gain one pound!
I noticed my digestion was off a little bit, but that usually happens when I travel, so I wasnt really concerned. We did so much walking that I noticed my stomach stayed pretty flat the entire trip!

We arrived back on Sunday night and on Monday I made Courtney's fabulous seafood stew again to get back on the paleo plan and to help keep myself on track for the week. We went to the store and stocked up the fridge with all the paleo staples, meats, veggies, fruits, almonds...yum! I was even looking forward to it.

I decided while on vacation that I need to take a different approach to my exercise plan. I really need some variety and some hardcore discipline. My job requires long hours and when I get home I'm usually pretty spent. So, knowing that I'm not a morning person and that I'm flagging in the evening, i must make some kind of hard decision. Either I get my butt out of bed early (which was easy today since my body is still on Central time) and exercise early, or I exercise immediately after I come home before I get distracted by chores, dogs, spouse and making dinner. My dedication and discipline to exercise and fitness used to be so great and I didnt let anything get in my way. I need to get that determination and drive back so that my priority everyday is getting my exercise in, no matter what. I have the eating plan down, now the fitness plan needs to come together.

I will definitely be posting more now that I'm back, so please check back for updates!

Thanks and have a great primal day!

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