Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What a wild year

It has been an interesting year.  While I wouldn't want to repeat it, I've learned a lot about myself and feel better today than I did a year ago. I'm calmer, happier and healthier. I'm not fully recovered from the abusive relationship I was in but I'm working on it. It was a wild ride but I hung on and I'm still standing. I am looking forward to what the  next year will bring.

One thing I'm not happy about is that during this upheaval I went on and off the Paleo plan a couple of times. I always feel worse off than on but I slid into doing what was easy rather than what was healthier. Not that I ate junk food, it was just eating grains again that really was my downfall. I know it's not about how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up. So, I'm back up and eating paleo again. I know it requires planning and being prepared every day and not giving into temptation and falling into easy, old patterns. Just looking in the mirror and on the scale is enough of a reality check. On Paleo I see my weight go down, my skin clear and my sleep improve. Off Paleo I feel tired and my weight starts to creep.

So here's to picking myself back up and recommitting myself to a healthier, happier, fitter (skinnier) Paleo life!

I am also going to try to be better about posting. I've failed to make time to post and to share recipes, tips, etc. I will hopefully be adding posts w/more frequency :)

Thanks for reading and have a great Primal day!


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