Friday, July 8, 2011

Paleo Progress: Workout Partner & Persistence

Valerie and I worked out after work yesterday and it felt great to have a partner in my fitness goals and to stand by my commitments. I've been bringing in my breakfast and lunch so I don't have to scramble for lunch and wont be tempted by the evil "bagel Friday" that my office hosts every Friday. Valerie aka  Hummus Honey, is also on the path of enLIGHTenment w/me. We are determined to not let the office snackage and happy hours lead us into temptation.
Even though it's Friday, and it would be easier to go home or to happy hour, we're hitting the gym again after work to start our weekend off right. Then I'm going to dinner w/my friend Franco and his new girlfriend, this ought to be interesting. He's in the middle of a divorce from one of my dear friends but he lived w/us during their separation, so we've grown quite close. I'm apprehensive since he was so devastated by his divorce so I'm going to hold off on making any suppositions until I meet her and see them together.

The place we're eating has a paleo item on the menu inspired by the owner's personal trainer, who is also a paleo follower - so at least I know I have one option if nothing else works. 

Yesterday and today I made a lighter version of  Mark's Big Ass Salad and brought Greek yogurt for breakfast. I made chicken scallopini w/green beans for dinner last night. Travis knows I'm determined and he's been supportive. He's going to eat pizza and junk but knows I'm not joining him on that road.

Tomorrow is Seattle Tilth's Chicken Coop Tour and we're going to take a look at other coops around the Sound and see if anything inspires us. I'd like to redo our coop and make it prettier. I know, I need to get a life, but it's so much fun, I can't help it.

I'm going to workout on Saturday and Sunday at home - elliptical and weights. On weekdays I'll continue to work out 2x a day, and then hopefully I'll start to see that scale move in the southerly direction.

That's all for now....have a great primal weekend!


  1. What? Bagel friday?? The 10 lbs I've gained since Hawaii says -- why only Friday for this delicious carb-filled breakfast? What kind of company are they running over there when it can't be bagel monday through thursday as well? I demand answers.

  2. edizzle, i love you more than words can say. GET YOUR SKINNY ASS UP HERE!!!!!

  3. You rock my world. You are so strong. And i'm so fucking proud of Travis for being supportive. You are my my-man-can-eat-anything-but-I-can't-and-it-really-sucks-donkey-balls soul mate.

  4. Court, I love you so much! We are the "suckage of donkey balls" soul mates! I've been working out in the AM and then w/Val. It's great. And I've been faithfully sticking to the no grains. Thank YOU for turning me on to this because I feel so much better, no more headaches and my stomach is flatter. It's amazing. I miss you!!!
