Saturday, July 30, 2011


There's a great quote that I like use to help drive my motivation:
~There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results~

This quote really separates the motivated from the dabblers. I have been both at different times. I am typically more motivated than not, and this really keeps me focused on what's important and what I'm striving for each day. I have been getting up faithfully each morning and working out. I have adjusted my work schedule to make sure I can fit it in before work and then hit the gym at work before heading home on days I'm feeling particularly motivated. I feel so much stronger this week. my sleep is better, my skin is clearer, my eyes are brighter, my cheeks are rosier, and I look amazing. It would be so much easier to sleep in for an extra hour, but I don't want easy, I want strong, I want sweat, I want to be challenged and I want RESULTS. 

I've also stayed w/my standard eating plan and turned down 2 invitations this week for HH and dinner. 
The paleo lifestyle really works for me and I never feel deprived. It's amazing how adjusting just a few things in your diet can make your entire body operate at a higher level of efficiency. 
My weekly eating schedule is repetitive for the simplicity it provides and also to make my life easier. 
Breakfast - Chobani fat free yogurt & coffee w/cream 
Snack - raw almonds or carrots
Lunch - Organic salad: romaine, avocado, tomato, turkey breaks and salsa for dressing - sometimes I add some cottage cheese if I don't have a meat protein. 
Snack - almonds/carrots/veggies
Dinner....i don't always eat dinner, i let my body tell me what it wants and when....if I do eat dinner it's relatively light and something I can have for lunch the next day. Fish, salad or lean chicken. 

I repeat this every day M - F. It may seem boring, but I enjoy it. Food is fuel and it needs to be efficient, clean, and simple. I vary it on the weekends, usually by grilling out or going to a restaurant. 

One of my very best friends is getting married in October - the 1st - and I want to be in great shape for her big day. I have a beautiful dress from the Ralph Lauren Ready to Wear collection that I want to wear. It's long and flowing, black w/a white flower print and it's a halter style. It's stunning on me because of how tall I am and my broad shoulders. I haven't had an opportunity to wear it in a few years, so I want to make  sure I'm in super shape so I can do it justice. I have 60 days to work on myself before I fly back east for her wedding and to also visit w/my family that week. So, this is even more motivation. The wedding, seeing my parents and friends. I am committing to being hyper focused for the next 2 months to achieve the most optimum results possible. Being paleo, working out every day - even weekends, eating smart and staying focused...i will hit my marks, I'm sure of it. 

Today was 45 minutes at high intensity and resistance and then 30 pushups w/ 2 planks in between each set of pushups. 

That's all for now. Have a great primal day!

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