Monday, January 2, 2012

Renewal and Reinvention

A very smart man told me that reinvention is key to keep growing in your life. He said he tries to reinvent himself every 6 months. And a very smart woman once told me, When you're green you grow, when you're ripe you rot. She told me to stay green, continue to grow and always seek knowledge.

I definitely try to re-evaluate where I'm at in my life and where I'd like to be on a regular basis. I am trying to grow and stay green and not allow myself to become weak of mind. And of course with the start of a new year, everyone feels a sense of renewal and a chance to start over with a new set of ambitions. So, I am going to reflect on last year's accomplishments and how I can achieve more this year, improve myself and be a better person in 2012.

Below is a list of my goals and ambitions for 2012:

Live a more pure paleo lifestyle
Exercise every day
Achieve my fitness goals
Figure out what I really want to do with my life
Write an hour a day
Renew my passport
Visit Canada & play in the treehouse
Be more comfortable in my own skin
Volunteer more
Do more activities with my husband and my dogs
Try new things, even things that scare me
Write more letters
Follow through more
Go white water rafting
Go camping, again
Participate in a 5k
Create an incredible edible garden in the front and back yards
Get back to Hawaii
Be the best EA I can be and impress my boss
Put my laundry away instead of leaving it in the basket (this sounds simple enough but you have no idea how much I loathe putting away laundry)
Enjoy every day
Be a better friend
Read more
Learn to sew and finally use that sewing machine in my office!
Make a quilt
Take a yoga class
Fly my mom out to visit me 
Learn how to jar & pickle our crops
Become more organized
Live a lighter, simpler life
Pay off my debts
Save more money
Stop spending money on frivolous things & use what I have
Donate or sell items I'm not using
Become more aware of my surroundings
Love more and let go of negative energy
Remove toxic people from my life
Don't let myself get distracted by people that do not have my best interest at heart
Recognize fair weather friends before they derail me too far from my path
Don't allow myself to be manipulated by others
Be kinder in the face of all my challenges
Be more forgiving

And most of all, seek improvement in my life every day and strive to help others

It's a long list but I feel like it's a good start. It's not all inclusive and none of the items above are listed in any special order. It's good to have goals and to seek improvement.

Well, I hope you have also set forth some goals for yourself this year and that you achieve everything you set out to do.

Have a great primal day!

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