Monday, April 18, 2011

Great weekend but not so great weight

I've been keeping up with my paleo plan and making things ahead.
I did Ripped in 30 this weekend and feel good about my progress. I could hold the plank for the entire 30 seconds without going down on a knee. That might not sound like a big deal, but I havent been able to hold a plank that long (or longer) since about 5 yrs ago. I am gaining strength!
Speaking of gaining, my weight has been all over the board this week, up 5lbs on Monday then down 3 lbs on Wed. then up again today. I have no idea why it's bouncing the way it is. But maybe it's just trying to adjust to my workouts and eating schedule. I don't know, but I really need it to move south and to start losing weight because i'm getting frustrated and so discouraged.
I rejoined WW so i can track my food and exercise better. It's only $18/month so it's not too spendy.
I made Courtney's Seafood Stew again last night so I'd be prepared for the work week for healthy paleo lunches.
By Thursday of this week I'll be moving up to Week 2 of the Ripped in 30. Very exciting. I think I'm also going to throw in some crossfit w/my husband too.

I've made a bunch of changes over the last few weeks to go back to a paleo lifestyle - i bought raw organic blue agave nectar to sweeten my coffee and I've really backed off the dairy. I am still putting creamer in my coffee, but I'm no longer eating cheese. This is very significant since I LOVE cheese. I am setting myself up for success by making small changes in my environment and daily diet.

Well, that's about it for now.

Have a great paleo day!

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