Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm still here

Sorry for the delay in posting. I'm still here. May was very busy and I just didnt make the time to write every day. I am on and off the paleo path, but more on than off. I am down a few pounds today, which is a wonderful surprise. I've also been hopping on my elliptical nearly every day for at least 45 minutes. I pop in a movie, or True Blood and the time flies by. I am not focusing on a date anymore...just a number and when I reach that number is when I reach that number. Trying to set goals by dates on the calendar just frustrates me and makes me feel more defeated when I don't hit my marks. So I am just taking each day on it's own and pushing forward the best way I know how in the hopes the results I want will be soon start appearing. And I'm not beating myself up about it anymore either. I'm 37 years old and I've made myself a wreck over my weight for 22 yrs. I've been thin most of my life, but I've always been so hard on myself even when I was 120lbs (I'm 5'9", so that's pretty skinny). I look back at pictures where I was so incredibly thin and I remember that even then I thought i was too heavy. Why are we never satisfied? Why do we always feel there's 5 more pounds to lose?? Why do we torture ourselves this way? No more! I will not do this to myself anymore. I am not going to let mood or happiness be dictated by a number on a scale.

My motivation now is to be healthy for me, not for someone else, not for a special event, just for me.
I want to be healthy and have a fit body that I can be proud of. I want to shine and be seen and turn heads when I walk in the room the way I once did. I can do it, I just need to be focused and forgiving of myself when I have a misstep. This is new territory for me, but I am adventuring into it with my eyes focused on the future, not the past.

Ginger Power!

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