Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Extreme commitment = Extreme Results

 I have decided today to take a few extreme measures to hit my goals in October. I do not sanction these measures for anyone else. These are done at my own risk. So my message is, don't try this at home kids.

I've already given up several things in order to hit my marks and it's been good for me. I have enjoyed the paleo lifestyle immensely and it works for me. Becoming paleo I gave up most dairy, sugar, grains, and legumes/beans. I primarily eat lean protein, veggies and fruit and nuts. I do not feel limited or deprived, in fact there are so many options, my diet is never boring, and I feel more sated than I have previously. However I'm taking a few additional measures to increase my level of success. I am going to give up meat, alcohol and any high carb fruit or veggie. This is not long term, just for the next 4 weeks.
My daily nutrition will contain the following:

coffee w/sugarfree creamer
plain greek FF yogurt
romaine lettuce w/celery and renfroe's salsa
a granny smith apple
4 egg whites for dinner
ginger tea / Yogi tea / Numi tea

It seems extreme because it is. I have benchmarks I want to hit and I need to do something serious to get the results I want. This is similar to what I did in Korea when I got in the best shape of my life. I need the right combination of protein and greens while also creating that steep deficit to get things moving at a pace where i see results quickly. I'm not doing this because it's easy, I know it's going to be really effing hard, but it will be worth it when I look in the mirror and see the muscles, tone and weightloss I've been working so hard to attain.

I am also changing my workout plan to include:

0500: Shred or RIT
0530: 45 minutes on the elliptical
1715:  hit the gym w/Valerie.
1845: run w/Reese or elliptical

This is the game changer. It's all coming into sharp focus.
Discipline, dedication, strength and a drive to succeed above all else. I am in it to win it. Nothing else matters at this point. My life will consist of working out, going to work, working out and sleeping. God help me! Fierceness!!!

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