Monday, August 22, 2011

Holding pattern

So, the scale hasnt moved much in the last 2 weeks, and that is completely frustrating. Especially given my intense workout schedule. I've been working out every day for at least an hour, during the week I worked out 2x nearly every day. I fit into smaller jeans over the weekend, but seriously, what gives with the scale?? It's ridiculous. I want to chuck that thing across the room. I am going to go to the doctor this week or next to find out if there's something else going on. It's just too frustrating and every day when I step on that scale to see absolutely NO change, it's completely defeating. It certainly doesnt encourage me, but I can't give up either. I just keep plugging ahead. I need to break through this plateau somehow.
Oh well, at least I have more energy. I'm up every day at least by 5am, make coffee, do chores, workout for an hour and I'm on my way. Then I workout after work too because I have the energy to do so.

Well, hopefully I'll have better news to report later this week on the weightloss situation.

Thanks and have a primal day!

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