Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Poked and Prodded

Today I had to get my tires kicked, rotated and all my internal systems checked. in other words, the doctor put me through my paces to make sure my medicine isn't destroying me from the inside out and to monitor my heart. We had a good long conversation about my fitness, nutrition and I showed her my food/exercise journal. (this also includes when I have internal pain, where, how long, etc).
She was really impressed at what I'm doing, the paleo lifestyle and my commitment to it coupled w/my rigorous workouts. She didnt poo-poo paleo like the other doctor did either. She said she wished more of her patients had the same kind of commitment. She pulled all my records from my cardiologist & internist in Honolulu and wants to replicate the tests I had this coming fall if I keep having episodes like I did yesterday and today. Hopefully it wont come to that. I'm hoping with my workouts, I can combat these episodes and forgo any extensive testing again. I want to be in tiptop shape in the next several months and hit my benchmarks. I asked her why I might be plateauing/stalling on my weight loss, she said that it's probably just taking more time than I'd like and to hang in there, keep on going and hopefully I'll starting seeing the weight come off and not just inches. Although, she told me i should be happy about the inches coming off because that's super important and shows that I'm gaining muscle and doing everything the right way.

She said the other doctor in Seattle did not send my labs as requested so she's going to look at those when they come in and run some other tests in the meantime.

I worked out 2x yesterday:

45 minutes elliptical A.M.
35 minutes incline training P.M.
130# leg presses - x 30 (together)
130# leg presses x 16 single leg
70# lat pulls x 24
Ab killers x 30
side ab killers x 30
walking lunges
10# flies
15# overhead dips
10# kickbacks
10# presses (floor)
leg swings

I skipped this morning's workout. I took a Lunesta last night since I was so tired and not sleeping well the last week and was just too tired to get on the machine. I'm going to workout w/Valerie tonight though and make up for it.

Today's nutrition:
Tuscan canteloupe
Oikos greek yogurt
Salad - turkey, romaine, tomato, salsa

that's about it for now. Have a great evening!

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